Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I can’t resist sweets myself

Hol up

losers: MiLk AnD OrEoS Is GoOd!11!

gamers: Water + oreos is good.

what the heck are oreos

So I looked up a picture of oreos for you

why the hell do these existimage

So basically

Pictured above

But the filling is traditionally vanilla and not garlic

If the filling is un-processed enough
That doesn’t sound bad ngl

I mean I’ve never eaten them so I can’t necessarily say otherwise

you would probably eat onion oreos

i think i mentioned the absurd goggles i bought to cut onions without crying lol
of course

Just be a real girl and eat your onions raw :stuck_out_tongue:

im pretty sure he does that

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I have a weird habit of doing this

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I haven’t tried in a while
But i might be able to bear one whole one raw?
not more than that tho

I prefer dicing onions and grilling them, with some olive oil, tamari soy sauce, pepper, and red chili powder

damn I like heating up mac and cheese in the microwave and if i feel special I’ll put pepper on it


I dislike cooked onions


I douse most things in pepper lol

I dislike a couple vegetables tbh

I don’t like onions or peppers raw

Brussel sprouts gross

Theyre so good dude!