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claim alch, then priest as prince

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if you’re prince you can probably get away with it

i cant believe ToL stole lookout from ToS and called it observer

I’ve had Unseen trying to kill me as a blatantly fake CW claim when I was a Mercenary.
I had two “protected” CMs, Assassin still pushed on me and MM confessed that he tried to convert me twice post-game.

I always RP Sellsword as a Mercenary tbf, especially as soon as I win.

Gigamind: Openwolf as Prince.

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If you don’t claim Observer as Mercenary and successfully get a Drunk claim executed, what are you even doing

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Done that but got the only Sheriff in the game executed.
Come at me.

half of the time i play as prince i play pretty wolfy tbf

Me when I’m talking about using social deduction in ToL: ‘so you see, you can look at the nightkills as well as interactions with evils to try to figure out who their partners are, here are some particularly partnery things to look for’

Me when I’m actually playing ToL: ‘you claimed 12 was visited N2 but I had 12 in jail that night, so you get chopped’

I claimed phys as alch, bombed the Prince, then carried a solo Unseen King

or i claim like D2

because lolmassclaim

but also lolwhatareyougonnadoaboutit@evilpeople

Me when I’m actually playing ToL: “you’re a knight claim shut up”

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You just can’t avoid the mech

It consumes all

using trollbox to achieve your wincon: :unamused:

using trollbox to get people to compliment you: :smirk:

using trollbox to meme: :joy_cat::ok_hand:

Yes but have you bombed Prince as an Alchemist, then got Drunk and solo CK to execute an obviously BD CW while Inquisitor cursed you from the side, because he was out of RE and said solo CK was his last Heretic?
I have, will never forget him cursing me because I was “not siding with a neut bro”.

using it to do both: :expressionless:

“Marshal is super handsome, and a cool person. Also i’m sherrif and he is unseen.”

okay magnus i’m just saying
whoever made the blacksite is a horrible person

You mean

Claim Sellsword as CL


i remember watching that game in absolute fucking horror because it was so obvious that it was just CK left


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