Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I still don’t know how I pulled that off but I remember that Drunk/CW had a grudge against each other lmao.
It was beautiful.

Black site is actually easy.
If you have lockpicks and camera looping.

on legend?
stealth only?
no kills?

it took me so many tries i never want to play blacksite again

The hardest level imo is SCRS.

you keep criticizing this claim that never happened

but i have surprisingly high success rate doing absolutely stupid things like this

you do realize half the map is a hostile zone

i couldn’t even count how many times i failed golding blacksite
and in comparison, it took me about 5 tries to gold black dusk and we got the stealth bonus

Only because I was there to save you from it :^)

I wonder how many times the court has tried to execute you for your claims.

Yeah I know.
But it’s not a problem.
You can go around through the first door and get through in a minute.

they changed the layout

i’ve been executed while being mechanically confirmed because i memeclaimed multiple times

i’ve survived being executed as a blatant wolf because of memeclaims multiple times

conclusion: @discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 19

Well, even if we disagree on Blacksite, I hope we can agree the Financer is the easiest mission on any difficulty, apart from the Financer.

Give examples.

you can’t go through that first door, because it doesn’t exist
and the only door that allows you to enter the cell block is upstairs, the downstairs one is gone too
map is static on legend


i dunno
quite some time ago though, learned about it when i was golding it for a second time so my friends would have the badges

Wait really?
Still not a problem. Go the long way around.

the guards respawn