Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

No more cookies, I am big sad for today

Well atleast take this picture of potat for the day
Dog 3
I think I’ve already posted this pic but whatever

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Bump to refresh timer.

6 hours after last reply?


I dunno, but it seems it’s important to be last poster and hope noone else posts.


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its gone


idk guess its magic

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:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


fun fact
out of everyone here, kat is the only person who knows what my keyboard sounds like

excuse me, I heard a lot of things while tied up in your closet, and that was one of them

how much do you know

last cookie thread was chained at post 50117
therefore I will strive to get post 50117

What happens if a mod closes the thread?

we must keep cookie threaddus alive!

i’m striving for exactly 3333 posts in cookie thread

im striving for 3333 cookie threads

fanatic xenophobe pacifists
they’re like fanatic xenophobes but they absolutely fear you

God damn it.

My catering decided that today I have pancakes for breakfest, steak for dinner and lasagna for supper.
Together with some salads along the day.

Whoever designed today’s menu is my new guru.

arent dinner and supper the same thing

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