Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I get that english is nowhere close to your first language
the correct terms are “lunch” and “dinner”
fk the british

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in british english, dinner refers to lunch

therefore it’s wrong

Actually I used it correctly.

We got meals swapped. The biggest one (steak) you have at the middle of day, not at the end.
That’s why words are also swapped around.

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over here it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner

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What do you usually eat for dinner?


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Not in my household.
“In Australia , the evening meal is still often called tea, whereas the midday meal is now commonly called lunch .”

alright listen it’s delicious, it’s fast and it’s easy to make

Do you follow the afl at all magnus

I would rather say that it’s not about time, but about what food you have in them.

who did this

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eevee i already turned it off once

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who put a TIMER on my COOKIE

First question
How and why do you distinguish meals this way
I’d totally be down to have steak, steak, and steak as my three meals

If “dinner” means the last meal, then something heavy and large.
If “dinner” means the midday meal, then something heavy and large.
…I’m not the best person to ask

Not me personally.
My family like it.
I dislike sports though.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t spend time on the forums at all.

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I exist

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