Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

That game was fully BS
So it doesn’t matter

Yeah true
When a PR is the only player that can die in the first event
That’s a Rip.

Yeah eevee was angry

one thing I thought was horrid about the setup was the amount of scum bps present
one ita vest for scum is…fine

but the amount of protection they had was utterly nuts

one groupscum has 8 vests
alice has infinite vests

I was chloe

I lived until very late and only died due to lolhippo


she was not acting townie, that “i’m an IC” stuff was pretty BS

but desperado

if you’re going to include a “only killable by lynch” scum in a mash

ONLY ONE at absolute max

if SKs
Limited BPs


cfm2 was great
also bad

events were handled extremely well minus the first one


also when she went on about “i would never do this if i were scum”

It was a bit more complicated yea

yes that’s what I was reffering to

she was like “i’d never do this as scum i’m basically an IC”

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What a low-level argument
But a good amount of ppl bought into it at the time i think

It’s scary to me how easy it is for Alice to make her real emotion and her fake emotion indistinguishable from one another

you gave me good deviant TWICE

granted even if i was evil i prob woulda suffered cause the travelers restricted the game so damn much

First time was randed

Second time, i kinda went with tan’s suggestions for the traveler alignments, and she said good deviant

tan just wanted me to suffer

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I was planning to claim to ya already D1
So you being evil would have changed a lot

i was gonna try to convince you i was evil
