Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think you need to host it to see why it’s a bad idea. I’m not even joking here.

I will host it one day
I’m just completely put off by the enormous queue and I’m already hosting one game, one game has finished review and will start after Geyde’s game and one is currently requiring a reviewer

CFM2 flashbacks.

You could just host one without the permission of FOL. It’s not a forum of lies game if it’s not hosted on this forum.

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that game wasnt hosted on discord tho

that was just a 30p mash that had a scumchat on discord

pretty much every game nowadays has scumchat on discord afaik


I am aware of that
But where exactly would I get the playerbase without advertisement on FoL

You could message people on fol

all of the discord mafia communities would be happy to host it im sure

(all 0 of them)

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This is literally just circumventing the queue then
And that’s disorderly

the queue was designed solely for hosting games on this site. The queue has zero power over things that aren’t hosted on this site, as it should, because it would be very messy if the queue prevented you from inviting others from here.

I am aware of that; I would be able to do so
However the purpose of the queue is to restrict games from flooding FoL with signups so that games are ordered fairly and people aren’t multitabling like hell here
Inviting people specifically from here would just be circumventing that entire purpose

You are correct that is purpose of the queue. However the queue isn’t meant to hold power over things hosted off the site. It would be disastrous if that was the case, because that means by having an account on this forum, people from any site cannot invite people here to a discord game.

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My intent with porting everything to Discord is not to circumvent the queue or remove relations from FoL
It’s to circumvent the fact I can’t lock threads and stop people twilight posting and other things

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broke: host on discord to circumvent this
woke: get forum mod to circumvent this


I had to go to Kape because I couldn’t unlock the thread bcuz no moderators online
It happened a second time and I had to create a voting thread to post a flip

5Head tactics right here

However by hosting it on discord, you have already removed all relations to forum of lies. You have just used forum of lies as an advertising place.

Not only that, but by being in the queue, you are preventing games from running here.

That’s not correct
All forum rules & forum game rules would still apply

How does this make any sense