Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Manually grating cheese is really satisfying but also tedious so I’m kinda used to it.
Also sometimes I just slice the cheese and eat it plain with wine, especially if I’m not extremely hungry.

But yeah, we have shredded cheese here as well – unfortunately there’s only one kind and it’s not even that good.
Local shops are pretty limited in variety.

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spongebob mac n cheese best


i buy the giant shredded cheese bags

from costco

and sometimes i just eat it out of the bag


its good

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Cars mac n cheese do be good tho

That’s the upside of urban american supermarkets

I also sometimes buy organic mozzerella string cheese, love to slice that up and mix it with some halved grape tomatoes and some kind of vinaigrette

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This reminds me that I should probably dice and sautee some red onions now

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Jealousy to the max, I live in a really small country so all the ‘fancy’ shops are only in the capital, which I don’t really want to visit with this virus situation going around.
But sometimes we get some good stuff too, like good mozzarella.

Can’t remember last time I made any kind of salad though. Probably last year?

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This is some of the best stuff; so lucky i can get it within a 15 minute walk of where I live (just got some more earlier today).

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I feel like this is why I don’t like mac and cheese

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me get pingus a lot

Cheese is looking extremely delicious today :^)

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Personally can’t stand cheese on its own



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I can eat it a bit but it gets kinda gross after a couple bites

especially the like

orange and yellow kind

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That item was three dollars, which isn’t bad imho (at least for how much stuff usually goes here).

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shredded cheese and mozzarella good tho


/Shred clonedcheese

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I’ll absolutely eat cheese on stuff