Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)





Is that literally a pile of salt on the rightmost top one

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(i also prefer frozen food to dried, boxed pasta as I’m bad at portioning stuff like that correctly (or anything else that has 6+ servings in a single package))

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thats CHEESE

What kind of cheese is white-grey.
God that’s disgusting.

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why me pingus



I can’ tmake any promises about image quality ok

this was a passion project

Parmesan has a beautiful creamy-yellowish color

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grated parmesan is ashen

it’s the powdery american processed form of parmesan

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I’m glad I was never faced with such monstrosity because I buy my cheeses in wedges.

There’s still color in it, unless you slice is until it’s translucent – but even then it would be just that – yellowish, especially on top of noodles.

I would wager that that stuff is forced down the throats of a majority of american children at some point.

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google spaghetti

all the cheese is white

For some reason I’m reminded of boxed macaroni and cheese monstrosities that Chloe showed me before.
Poor souls.

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sad sulit noises

box mac and cheese good

no one can

tell me otherwise


I buy my cheese either in slices or shredded most of the time as I never learned how to use wedges properly and also dont own a grater
But always either organic or sargento (the most certifiably natural brand of cheese here), so p sure i consume good stuff

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how many times i have screwed up trying to make box mac and cheese is almost on two hands. Im a great chef