Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh shit hide

Nothing, sorry. Go to sleep, what the heck?

No, I’m intrigued. I’d drink my other frapp to hear this

Disable pings when trying to sleep, please
He was just quoting you

I think you misconstrued what I was getting at but w/e

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How did the cookie thread get turned into the dbd thread lol

Oh yeah @Vulgard that vigi shot was absolute shit lmao

I’ll explain it as best as I possibly can. My thought process was “Wow, I’m tired, I kinda wanna shoot Ici, I’ll park it here for now and re-eval when I’ve had more than three hours of sleep” and then I slept and didn’t re-eval

when you forgot to equip thrill of the hunt but you’re running devour hope :upside_down_face:

Italy who do you main?

used to main freddy
then rework came
i mostly play myers but i have 8 iridescent queens and i want to use them all

also got two ebony moris in a row on my doctor web

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Moris are simply bad. Like, you’ll de-pip, lose points, and get screamed at by salty survivors


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i just run devour hope + thrill of the hunt
it’s reusable

When’s the new shrine stuff come out?

16 hours until refresh

But it could have been wayyy better
It had way more potential

okay so
i got three ebony mories in a row
is this a sign that i’m meant to play doc

Do you play surv at all?