Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


it’s not like this won’t happen anyways

i’m a P2 myers and a P2 david

@Marshal I have it on good authority that you have soul-read me as an idiot, is this true?

my level 40, 41 and 42 bloodwebs all contained an ebony mori
this defies logic

I think most people are idiots sometimes

I think you are sometimes an idiot yes

Only sometimes? Obviously I’m not playing poorly enough then.

Not… really?

I prefer “dummy” personally


I believe most people are occasionally dummies

it depends on the dummy/not dummy proportions

scrapped tape is still stupid and confusing

I’m pissed they haven’t fixed the cake yet
gimme my bp nerds

My most dummy games were evo mafia, auction mafia, and paint your mafia
My most undummy games were fol 23, sfol 56, and marson

Most others are somewhere near average i’d say

My most undummy game was definite BotF even if I lost

my most dummy games were
all of them

Perhaps this is because of your playstyle of giving -3 efforts

Also idk if you know that it was supposed to be an unannounced bastard game
It was planned that the players’ alignments would be determined by Spectator chat
Which should have definitely led into a host blacklist, in case the cohosts didnt shot the idea down in the last moment

There were lunatics working on that game

dummy thicc

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I was gonna make that joke but I’m not dummy thicc

chloe calls me dummy thicc


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