Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


I was just getting on to check what games were ongoing and now I’ve been here for half an hour


imagine gatekeeping yourself

you’re stuck here FOREVER

Welp, it’s nearly 5, I should go to sleep


dummy thicc is such a satisfying word to say

it makes my mouth feel good

the inflection of the u can make it even better

great phrase 10/10

I hate this with every fiber of my being :slight_smile:


my posts do that to people

i think its more of a you thing than anything

what if i used
both iridescent king and queen

So yea, it doesn’t matter if the host is as skilled as an alice or an eevee
The possibility of fucking up is always given
And there is literally no legitimate reason to avoid reviewing, since reviewing should happen to enhance your game, and stop you from doing obvious mistakes

hey marshal i came to this thread looking for a good time and honestly i’m feeling so attacked right now


you hate me because I speak the truth

be honest, you either have, or are tempted, to say “dummy thicc” right now.

The way it rolls off the tongue, I feel honestly fine with calling those 10 letters art.

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You were talking about CFM2.
Mafia weren’t playing that well either as they killed me N2 thinking I was Chloe, when my interaction with Napoleon should have told them I can’t be Chloe.

this can only end well

red mystery box and
it’s another ebony mori

okay i think they really made everything less rare because i’m getting at least one ultra rare for every bloodweb

I am

so tired


holy shit i’m playing against a miracle rogue in 2020