Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think i missed a key part of this conversation and im confused

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time to try that from now on

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back when i had work/school my sleep schedule was moderately consistent

consistent sleep schedules are SUPER GOOD

with that said ill never pull it off without any obligations


distance learning amirite

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i mean

i don’t do school so i can’t even blame that

im just lazy

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Routine could also help from what I heard, just force yourself into a precise set of actions each evening right before you go to bed. It can be something like reading a book for an hour each evening, or maybe drinking tea, or drawing. Not sure how effective but it could help in theory.

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‘this class is offered at 10:30 AM MWF, it’ll force me to get out of bed by mid-morning’

the class: is entirely asynchronous

Aight we’re doing 9am workouts every day from now on

I think I died after just reading this.


if you can get me out of bed at 9am im okay with this

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Morning is the best time to work out

Gets the blood flowing
Wakes you up

Then you spend the rest of the day eating all the calories you just lost

See, another reason this could never work out for me.

Ugh but food good

food is good but ill forget to eat like

every day


throwback to before the pandemic when I thought the reason I was bad at remembering to eat was just that the dining hall was far away




Today is the first day in a long time that i have felt genuine stabbing hunger

It fucking sucks

Also this makes me sound high-and-mighty and im sorry i dont mean it that way
I just mean hunger sucks and i feel bad for people who have to experience that all the time

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i coulda told you this probably wasn’t the case to be fair

i’ve literally cooked food, put it next to me

and not eaten it for 6+ hours


luckily i don’t really dislike cold food? its kind of out of necessity

cause like

i’d die otherwise


Do you guys need hugs

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