Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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Italy why are you such an immaculately perfect Knight killing machine?

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Happens every time, I think flight masters just drop you into a separate shard. Hence why ungarthered herbs all around.

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because i come from adiart but it’s not completely text based
a land that i liberated from the scourge that is knights, eliminating every last one of them
and now i’m here to liberate yours

Ah yes I speak WoW

For the horde n shit

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if you destroy geneva do you still have to obey the geneva convention

Italy you asked this yesterday dork

Fun fact:
Marshal considers his loss as a part of the Horde in Kyo’s WoW game here to be tied for his worst loss

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i never got an answer

Are you bound on exterminating specifically Knights, or are Enforcers/Acolytes a fair game too?

What about Crusaders @Italy

The answer is 7

Chloe get the hell out and sleep.

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You should start playing :slight_smile:

But money

I no has money

crusaders and enforcers exist
but nobody knows what they come from :eyes:

If I ever make enough gold I’ll get you a WoW token

Now we can, Anstreim.

That is

The kindest thing i have ever heard
And you have no reason to do that but thank you <3

Also Arete don’t make me book a flight to your city and force you to go to sleep :newspaper_roll:
We have really ruined your sleeping schedule.

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