Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Ah yes

Thats why you would fly there

I’m pretty poor chloe, don’t get your hopes up just yet :stuck_out_tongue:

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What are you trying to imply.

Nothing actually

Just saying that you wouldnt simply fly over to force arete to sleep

I am reformed

“Reformed”, she says. I’m keeping an eye on you.



Though you are right, I would hug them first :^)


so what you’re saying is that if I stay up a few more hours, I get to meet you in real life?

Don’t do this to me.
And to yourself either, go to sleep

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No, you’ll have to wait until the quarantine is over.

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Also I don’t think you could instantly book a flight and leave the same day.

anything can happen if you belive in yourself

You could, if you had a private jet and knew how to fly it yourself.


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I think this is actually the hardest part.

i have 0 doubts that’s gonna happen

for good reason

Well if you had a butler in your service who was also a certified private jet pilot
That works too

because you evolved

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If I can convince my family to go to NY after the quarantine (like we were planning to do before this whole thing happened) some of you might get to see me irl.
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Wait but
