Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

prevents scum from removing mechanically powerful roles

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What if every night, scum could kill a player or banish an already dead player but not both

Sure, that sounds interesting.

could this work aroot

but everybody is VT right

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Well at the start, technically.


you’d need to adjust the balance of town and Mafia numbers probably

See, I have a terrible sense of balance but at least I know I do.

Now I’m over here asking myself

Do I let Marshal find Arbiter/Visionary with the supercop

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Because being unable to find 2 of 6 starting scum is rough

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@Marshal Do you want to be able to find Arbiter/Visionary?

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I should probably make a balancing thread for this

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I also get to decide if duke is still convertable

Fun times

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It should be.

Says the person with no sense for balance.


That’s super swingy and extremely strong for the faction that converts him

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my mind for chaos tells me to make torturer convert to prince, help

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make a balance thread lol
or all this talk will get lost in the endless void of the cookie

Yeah that’s a good idea

Just going to update the class cards with the correct wincon then I’ll post it

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but it’s more fun to post here

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