Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

lyncher can win with either alignment

doesn’t count towards parity

can target PR

no suicide, they just keep playing even though they won

Don’t recommend adding neut to that setup

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Is the lyncher assigned a target or do they choose each night with only town counting or what

Neuts make everything better, wdym?

randomly assigned

shiv time

neutral fruit vendor for the win

Gonna be swingy

Swingy is funny
And funny is fun

Okay, but you’ll have a Neut.

I am gonna assume you’re joking

User was banned for this post.


where are signups for randomizer™

tomorrow :tm:

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I know, the truth hurts.



this doesn’t solve the autoclear-by-claiming problem which is the biggest balance issue

like if we imagine the following open set-up:

1 x Innocent Child that can only reveal upon death
1 x Town Compulsive Visitor
1 x Town Jailkeeper (Cycle 9)
1 x Town Fruit Vendor
3 x VT
1 x Mafia Roleblocker
1 x Mafia Doctor

all the town PRs suck but the set-up is still absurdly brokenly townsided

Tommorow, they said.

Oh god I think I sound like Yoda.

ketamine addiction I must satisfy

then the set-up becomes extremely swingy depending on who they rand as their target