Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Okay but if I’m right it’s definitely 100% because of causation and not correlation.

the intensity of the lolcatting tho

inb4 my town/scumtells relate to how/when i lolcat

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I’ll metaread you someday, kat.

By unleashing you on MU and then asking them in like 5 years if they’ve figured you out yet.

MU hasn’t figured out my meta yet

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I’m pretty sure you don’t play on MU, so that’s pretty logical.

your meta is the anti-meta is why

i also think its very possible to meta read me


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Unrelated but I love this pfp so much.

whats a good cit:pr ratio

I mean, if you want to figure out her alignment don’t do a random game

put all the best players on MU in the game with katze and watch them cry



id be policy lynched

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i wanna see this shit

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yeah doesn’t change the fact theywill cry about it



…one second


To be fair if you try, I don’t think they will policy lynch you. They may literally either figure you out or try to solve around you

Tfw my parents have repeatedly, to a wide range of people asked why I couldn’t just be normal.
