Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I asked myself why I couldn’t be normal


If so you mention the fact that it takes two to make a person

Something along the lines of “if I’m crazy what are you”


i couldnt tell which was better



prob shoulda replaced the mothers face with like, a serious players PFP

or the i42/MU logo

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Replace Screams with Lolcats and it’s perfection.

should have put an image of a couple peoples pfp’s but tied together somehow

too much work im lazy

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For some reason this reminds me when Eevee told me that he somehow got me in a game where supposedly there would be a lot of good players in it (and Invitational) and it scared the hell out of me because that was a long time ago

Then it was canceled


okay maybe one


hey katze what do you exactly do during the game

like, you have a lot of posts, but what do you try to do during the game

fluster wolves as town
fluster townies as wolf
gg ez

Post cat pictures, meme and have fun.

Mix in some lolcatting and voila, katze is born.

Stop painting masks

yeah but we need to put a dash of scumreading seed so when town starts to cry it can blossom

no u


i have achieved perfection