Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Mfw I was still decent back then.

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Does anyone want to help me with an extremely-balanced-and-not-bastard-setup I’m working on?


literally the point was to test Cult alts versus non-alted-Cult

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Kat, do you like me?

is the only super duper major FoL change that’d effect the game the addition of Alchemist

and the removal of cult alts

and my boy tavernkeep

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:eyes: in what way

In a friendly way.

i’d say so

why do you ask, do you think i dislike you because that’s definitely not the case

Alch + TK

and obviously you would keep Cult alts for the Mithras Cult

Yay, it worked!

ive been got

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we still need unseen vs cult multiball game

yeah so if i wanted to do this i’d have to make cult alts for alchemist + TK

and since alch has its own convert that could be a bit funky

and yes
it’d mean exactly what everyone hopes

With the current capabilities of the Unseen, its going to be a very quick Cult loss.
At least that’s my theory.

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templar game

we love ‘intentionally shoot a BD while debbing the CL into them’ as a nightplan

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What’s the link to the Patreon again? I’m in dire need of a custom title.