Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

we already live in an artless world

Auto correct fucked it up

I’m :rage: at XBald for the Forum thing taking this long.

kat is a katze

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are the emails the same?

have u linked ur disc and patreon?

No, they’re a meow.

Both yes.


idk then

Throws XBlade at my wall.


Throws Basketball at hoop.




rip kobe

and rip the NBA season


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RIP :crying_cat_face:

it still feels weird that he’s dead

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we lost a legend

and then we lost the season

not a great year for basketball


the nfl draft is gonna be jank af

At least it still has me!

Wait… I see what you mean now.

oh shit

the drafts

forgot about those
they are all gonn be wack

who is going first round first pick?