Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

This is seriously bizarre because the same exact thing happened in my second school with me.


The time spent preparing for my Drama exam was actually spent near entirely on relentlessly mocking Diary of a Wimpy Kid

in conclusion, Zoowee Mama, I guess???

Ans is pocketing me IRL by being Literally Me But Older And Cooler

I could go play basketball, I guess.

see the main thing about me cannot actually be said because it’s a shitty pun on my name

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i can just imagine a smol arete wiggling their fingers at me trying to intimidate me now :eyes:

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I’m not cooler by any merit and we both know it.
But truly, the same exact scenario. Although I used my ‘powers’ not for fun, but to scare off another kid who thought he was cool by instigating our main bullies.

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You actually had a full fledged Drama class? I’m envious.

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sheep ici

oh no that was in secondary school

Oh yeah, Arete and Ici go to sleep already.

wtf ici is european

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drama in our school was exemplified by that one time all the teachers tried to trick people into thinking One Direction were coming to the school

arete though

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Hold on, I think Ici actually has a proper sleeping schedule too.
Disregard me.

other weirdass shit that happened in my childhood:

  • that time when the teachers made us do a heartbreaking fucking wartime broadcast about the casualties of World War 2???
  • wait what the fuck sorry what
  • this happened in year 3, when I was 8
  • we were made to report on the horrors of war when we were EIGHT years old

it’s literally just past noon for me


I forgot, the British education system has this weird cult about World War II