Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it’s a shame he chose fascism
He was the best defender on my home team dynasty and i love defense

Wait that reminds me

The onion does it again. On twitter people said that there needed to be a female dictator, the onion is about to predict the future again

soon the onion will just be reporting the actual news

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waiting for their satire piece about how they have decided to switch to real news because they can’t make any more satire news because real life is bankrupting them

probably tbh

tho all of their content is just quality

i even have the book

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The onion just rips off future headlines and places them on stories now


just came across this one today

One of the most quality ancient memes ever

Wait the Onion is still in business? That might be an Onion headline as well D: .

I repeat

News about north korea is not trustable unless you hear it from north korea

And even then it’s kinda meh

I believe the count is something like 7 times this has happened

Not to mention nobody knew of the previous two kims dying until like the day of the funeral

This isn’t a good argument to prove your point btw, but your post is prob correct

My point is that non-north korean media has like a 10% chance of actually knowing what happens in nk


But your argument doesn’t prove your point

Like if you were to apply that logic somewhere else “not to mention, the only times someone noticed the machine was broken was when it stopped working in the middle of a task” it wouldn’t work. They could find it broken during inspection, and you never said the chance of them finding it broken in their inspection in your post, until I mentioned the argument didn’t work.

and north korean media has like a 0% chance of reporting the truth

I mean their virus reports were spot on

i don’t know latin names

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Okay choose a name
