Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

bold of you to assume i would include a day 1 dayvig, and even bolder of you to assume i would give it to town


i have 0 faith in villagers here
i would never give them that much power

Clearly the solution is to improve everyone’s town game before the setup is ready.

Fair enough

looks at an nk I made in my upcoming setup that gets unstoppable attacks on people who claim

day 1 vigs in mashes are bad design though because people want to be able to actually play the game

Of course I also used the purple for it’s color that makes me barf

But still

day 1 lynch good
day 1 vig bad

huniepop small town huniepop small town

I still have the site with perfectly good color codes if you need it.

So what if we removed D1 lynch but not D1 vig :sunglasses:

the 30 player massclaim

oh no

i’m gonna make a prince role that is occupied for the first 4 nights of the game and give it to italy


The Lying Darkness wins!

if people massclaim in my mash i will actually cry

the princealy
cannot act for the first 4 nights
if italy is in the game, he is guaranteed to receive this class
only gets one execute because he keeps fucking stabbing the empty cell

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since ToS 2399: tDoS is a whisper game even if there’s a massclaim d1 almost nobody will notice that a massclaim has happened :^)

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This is big brain time
