Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

we used to do it in middle school i was speedy

being able to actually have coherent sentences to plan ahead is helpful

and it is competative

I want to try a site with sentences I feel like that’d be easier

last year we were all nitrotype tryhard and we’d all play during class so like you’d hear 3 kids in the back of class typing really hard and really fat ind it was obvious

yall better click that above link

we has 2 so far
one more or two more would be great
this is a room btw


leave me alone website


thats what i thought dummy website

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Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 10.20.06 PM

how do you get rid of this

i cant see what im typing

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click the x


reeee wtf are you people


we live in a society

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131 wpm HOW


i wanna know who everyone is but im too lazy to make an account

ill be the one who wins

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imgoing to beatyou


sulit’s second
im third
marshal be fourth i think

good luck soolit

I give up i keep making MISTAKES

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