Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



i have an okay writing speed, its just much faster when the words are in contiguous sentences.
on typeracer i get about 70 wpm and on the other one about 53

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shoutout to user @Arete for typing the whole paragraph, being the second-fastest, then spending ten seconds failing to notice that they were missing a period :upside_down_face:


meanwhile sulit can’t type gleam for the life of her

shoutout to whoever is consistently typing 100

actually you’re all moderately fast typers

usually when i do typeracers we its with people who can barely break 40

personally i think its because i developed my typing style over time rather than learning anything. i look at the keys to type really, but i never learned the way they wanted us to in school. because moving my middle finger over to press c is stupid when my index finger is in such a better place.
although at this point i dont really keep my fingers on the home row anyway

on my right hand i never use my ring finger or my pinky at all lol

cries in 94


katze: very capable of typing normally with pretty hecking good accuracy
also katze: types like this and probably makes more typos because of it

with that said im done with typeracer for now


why are these paragraphs so depressing

how the fuck are you so fast

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because half of them are taken from works of Great ™ Literature ™

when you do something for a long time, you get good at it

i’ve been using keyboards for most of my life

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i feel like im getting worse the longer i do this lol

I think i’d be a little faster
If my shift keys are not sticky underneath and keeps making me capitalize 2 letters instead of 1

that does sound like an issue

if i hooked up my old keyboard i could probably type a bit faster if i gave myself a bit to get used to it again

but its really fucking loud and i didn’t want to use a TKL anymore

my point being a keyboard you’re comfortable with can effect your typing speed a fair bit

this is why my wpm is better on traditional sentences rather than ones with particularly odd words or just random strings of words. because its mostly muscle memory
also i can never get periods right consistently lol

yeah, i usually type a bit slower on a site like 10FF than typeracer

but with more accuracy because punctuation is what fucks my accuracy most of the time