Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



It’s not as though I give a rat’s behind if someone calls me a homophobe. It tells me they are afraid of the truth.

Actually, according to studies such as Bos, H. M., Knox, J. R., van Rijn-van Gelderen, L., & Gartrell, N. K. (2016). Same-Sex and Different-Sex Parent Households and Child Health Outcomes: Findings from the National Survey of Children’s Health. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP , 37 (3), 179–187., “No differences were observed between household types on family relationships or any child outcomes.”

(“household types” here refers to male-female couples, two-man couples, and two-woman couples)

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Alright can we please stop this discussion once and for all because its going nowhere.
Even though I absolutely disagree with what is being said right now, especially when people fling their absurd statements around and call them ‘truth’, but oh well.

No this was just starting to get interesting


The only real ‘negative’ is that if you are say two males together but you have a female daughter.
She could find things out a bit later or not be prepared.

Well when people didn’t have the habit of divorce rather than working things out, then yes marriage was taken seriously.

This will only result in drama and insults being flung around Emilia, trust me.
If one side is ignorant to the point where they refuse to even entertain the idea of another opinion – arguing is pointless. And that’s precisely what is happening right now.

Pretty sure that’s the part Emilia finds interesting.


to be clear @CRichard564 is on my ignore list
i don’t have discussions with homophobes
end of story

Thank you Ici.

think about the optics

being LGBTQIA is the same thing as bad optics in the eyes of The Straights™


Not every straight person is homophobic.


if a straight dude talks about how we have a hard time coping in a society where religious bigotry and systemic injustices run rampant and anybody you talk to could disagree with your very existence, he’s progressive and woke, but if I do it I’m being whiny. It’s as simple as that.

I’m never coming out of this well.

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The Straights™ and straight people are two very different concepts.


Did you know I don’t care if you think I’m a homophobe?

It’s a made up word to silence people. Political correctness same for the word racist.

The Straights™ encompasses all homophobes, but also a lot of ignorant people who say things that ultimately fucking suck for us but who aren’t neccecarily actively homophobic. there’s nothing wrong with being straight but The Straights™ are always super weird about it in a way I’ve never been able to understand.

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Homophobe and racist are definitely not made up words
They can be harnessed to silence people, correct, but they’re definitely not used like that all the time

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