Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You say christian but there is a massive difference between catholic & protestant

see I kind of agree but I think they’re both equally bad in their own ways as well


They can be called Christian until the cows come home, yet if they aren’t loving their neighbour as themselves I have to question if they even know what it means to be a Christian.

Protestant or catholic?

Does it matter at this stage?

by the way
microagressions exist
watch the response to this post

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Soolit, did you sleep well tonight? :eyes:

It entirely does; people may be more forgiving if you’re a certain one.

Look everyone another word which shows Political Correctness has gone too far. Hooray.

a cookie is you

There is definitely a difference. I’ve noticed one doesn’t allow people of their own faith not to teach in schools.
They’re more… medieval. Unfortunately.

I mean I hear the word “microaggression” and I think oh political correctness gone mad, not taking it seriously.

look at that
just a word and I can bring out the “political correctness has gone too far” minirant
i bet he’s going to call us snowflakes now

people are being so political they dont even care about the cookie :sob:



Wait I didn’t even realize the cookie was close


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Yes until my dog woke me up by barking at my door

Remember the time when someone got murdered for criticising the Bible? I don’t. You can say whatever you want about the Bible until the cows come home. Can you say the same about the Koran (Quran)? Any takers?

this post got cookie right lol