Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Excuse me I am british so I have the opinion on tea

What kind of Philistine doesn’t like tea? :eyes:

I feel personally called out :^)

And by british I mean lolscotlandisthemostlikelycountrytobecomeindependant

shush i’m allowed to dislike things based on minute details on taste

Tea is the superior beverage, all coffee lovers shall bend the knee and acknowledge it.


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Tea and coffee are rubbish.

> Sulit: I like coffee ice cream

Coffee ice cream is surprisingly okay but it still leaves that weird aftertaste which I’m not a fan of.

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What the hell. Is this some sort of delicacy over in America
How popular is that trash

Anstreim isn’t American

being able to detect minor changes in recipe is a curse, i swear

It’s gone international!??!?

also coffee ice cream is okay despite having ‘coffee’ in the name

if more than 2 people write a post at the same time they will never load unless you refresh
it’s so frustrating


You people can keep your coffee ice cream away from my Irn Bru ice cream


Sure wish I was sometimes :^)

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wow is a fun game i get why it’s so popular
i haven’t been playing for long but i’m quite hooked

It’s not very popular though I just like coffee