Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

And I like tea too so don’t yell at me ans :^)

looks at current state of country

Are you sure about that one.

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it’s still way better than mu’s loading system
i hate mu’s loading system so much
you refresh the page and then suddenly there are more pages in the thread
and you can’t see what your post looks like without going to a separate menu and when you finally send the post you realize the thread has moved by a page or two

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the only ice cream I have ever eaten is vanilla so i cannot relate


not to mention the refresh button doesn’t even work if too many posts appeared and you can never tell when it’ll work and when it won’t

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i like coffee, kinda, and i dont like tea, but i still submit that tea is the superior beverage. my taste buds just arent refined enough for it

coffee ice cream is the best though and anyone who disagrees is wrong

also mu’s quoting system is so messy
it takes a while to get used to and you have to clean up formatting so much you spend more time on formatting than actually writing the post you mean to send

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great we’re discussing food
the one thing I cannot relate to since I just eat like 15 different kinds of food and nothing else

okay apparently it is popular

I can actually sympathize because I can recognize the smallest changes in taste for a lot of foods and beverages, but my solution with tea specifically is to own a huge collection of different teas that I enjoy, so that I don’t have to re-buy often, and therefore can savor them all for a while.
Though in my experience, the brand that I favor has mostly been producing their teas the same way all these years?

yes but multiquoting and multiISOing and votecounts and stuff!!


you might be able to tell (possibly, maybe) i dislike mu’s website mechanics a lot

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How about you move to EU instead :^)

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Did someone say food?

I know there’s in theory a better way to do this

but in practice, if I want to write a post on MU that includes quotes from multiple posts, I’ll go to one post, quote the thing, write accompanying words, cut the text in the text box, go to the next quote, quote the thing, paste in my previous quote + words, and repeat until I’m done

Bro that conversation went on an hour and a half too long

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I personally dislike MU’s user interface. It’s not very friendly.

At least MU has pages instead of this scrollbar.
Though quote nests are quite messy indeed.