Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

the problem with isoing is that it takes you to a separate page and you have to multiquote on a separate page, then post the quotes in the thread, then clean up formatting
and finding the spots in your post where you have to break up the quotes so you get space to comment… that takes forever

that’s objectively the best thing they have which we don’t have
the fact they also color themselves in is amazing



somehow I doubt the EU wants a random barely-functional 19-year-old with no useful skills

Automated games are pretty good as well.

I feel like it takes away the authenticity of hosting a setup however.

Don’t make me yell at you again :newspaper_roll:


i don’t get where this opinion comes from?

if someone figures out how to do this on our website they should get a reward

it’s really not
after playing 2 full games there i still don’t get what half the buttons do and how they are supposed to be used efficiently


i mean
I do
but I’m a nerd who has a tremendous skill at intuitively grasping dumb things

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see the thing is you just gotta pick your moments, or your battles. ive eaten very few foods myself, i just either take what minute opinions i have on the subject and run with them, use what i know and what im assuming, or stay silent

Run everyone! Ans has his newpaper out and he means business.

> be Arete
> try to post in bold/italics/etc. on MU
> **/in**

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OwO whats this

my ToS experience frees me from this
i’m used to solely BBCode rather than BBCode + Markdown

taste is pretty vague for me but i can feel differences in texture more

Imagine not waking upat 5am to check vcs

Bots good

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like 50% players who are new to MU fuck up quotes or avoid using quotes from my (admittedly low) experience

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that is me but im able to do it without it being visible in how im talking/typing most of the time, regardless of how much i actually know in the subject
its a blessing and a curse

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look have any of you looked under Modbot’s hood? it’s fantastic under there.