Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

the only moment science will ever go far is when some fucker inevitably uses CRISPR to make catgirls a thing

That will be the moment I eject myself into the orbit.

that will be the moment i cheer for humanity for the first time in my life

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Mad scientists be mad scientists.

so this is how liberty dies
with thunderous weebs


Vulgard I thought you were better than this.

at least it would be funny
it feels like not much stuff is funny lately

my mood may or may not be below average on the daily this month generally speaking


It would be funny until people would start to buy and sell catgirls like cattle.

Also I know this isn’t much, but I sincerely hope your days get better.

the day will come when i must call for catgirl rights
that is the day when sanity will die


neo-slave trade
ah yes that just got even more depressing
but thanks :heart:

okay so premise I’ve come up with
sci-fi setting in which melee weapons are the only practical ones because the air is filled with an extremely volatile lifeform that absorbs massive kinetic energy and transforms it into vast electrical and kinetic energy, making guns more dangerous to the person who fires them than the person who they’re aimed at

the katana would become the minigun of that game

sieges are carried out by massive vaccuum blasts attempting to move the barrier of energy-absorbing lifeforms towards the opponent’s weaponry so the tiny pellet the gun eventually fires will destroy them rather than you

what did I come here to?

it is an extremely dangerous planet to live on and near-impossible to escape from, since attempting to leave the atmosphere would cause a thousand-year storm that would likely destroy all who remain on the planet

Avert your innocent eyes Wazza.

ici has an extremely imaginative mind

Also here Vulgard, have an uplifting photo of Messier 64 which took 5 minutes to resize.


not just that, but the equivilant of mages in this setting are storm runners, who can travel with incredible speed by kicking against thin air