Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

…of course this is a thing

why did I not realize this was a thing


i didnt know that was possible

and ive played a fair bit of ToS all any

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I have all kinds of wacky stories about ToS All Any.

That’s any easy way to get perfect town achievement.

am i the only person who doesnt find tos all/any to be fun


tos all/any is the most fun you can have in tos imo

because it’s stupid and not serious

i also dont find tos fun in general so that doesnt help

thats fair

i don’t find it much fun if i care about it at all

which is why all/any is good

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i used to really like it
ranked practice n shit

but eh
not my scene really

why play town of salem
when you can play

because one is a “social deduction” game and the other is technically also a “”""“social deduction”"""" game but isn’t really at all

but guns and shit

i mean TTT is more fun but i wouldn’t say theres any social deduction in it really

in most games yeah theres jack shit when it comes to social deduction

but its still there
tos bad

ttt beats all
or prophunt

Btw, the “All town” thing has only happened in one of my entirely too many games.

well like even if you try to use “social deduction” in TTT you just get banned for RDM :upside_down_face:

i never liked prophunt tho

Sometimes it sucks though because it’s entirely possible that you literally can’t win.

its called getting NK in ranked

youre on the wrong servers then

also prophunt is fun and i will fight you on this
1v1 me prophunt

i mean

if someone cries that you RDMed them and you say “oh they were suspicious because they were acting very scared when in a room full of people i socially read as town” then they’d either ignore the report because they don’t want to bother or tell you to stop RDMing because lol

this is my experience with TTT as a “social deduction” game

usually i just shoot people in head