Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i meber reakkyp layed onpublic servers

what does RDM stand for

random death match

aka killing people for no reason

because thats a thing you’re not allowed to do as town in TTT :eyes:

its just that “no reason”/“random” is very arguable in some cases

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random deathmatch

killingwithout reason

i never really played on public servers*

fuck this keybooard

i wasnt a cool kid with my competitive TTT i guess

you were poppin heads in csgo

ur cooler
and cuter

I have an online test in like an hour.

I don’t know why teachers think this is a good idea.

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ew FPS.

no u :flushed:

just ask us for the answers OwO

Nah, just using book better.

its all i do

I feel like yelling.

yell at chloe

its probably her fault

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yell at me if you need

i gotchu

I already yelled at a certain other thread.

just yell again at chloe

:eye: :eye: