Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Don’t do it or I will do it first.

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i’m glad i do not care because i would have loved to debate that

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i wasnt planning on leaking anything

i just think talking about music tastes is a fairly innocent thing to “leak”

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no offense intended to Protestants

also we prooooobably shouldn’t be talking about religion

but i’m firmly on team “neither”

i was going to say to stop but, arete good mod

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There’s this thing called humor, which I’m admittedly not really familiar with.
You should give it a try some day.

Also like I told you before, I’m ready to own up to everything I’ve ever said in our DMs :^)

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the wafers are like chewing styrofoam

which i don’t hate even

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you’re telling me to try humor

that’s a good start to your comedy career, to be fair

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Wtf How am I supposed to keep My religion now

I like chewing plastic and styrofoam

i can eat an entire mechanical pencil and i’m proud

Ans are you ready to own up to anything in OUR dms? :wink:

Ive got some shit on you, brother

i know i said this before, but

what the fuck

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Don’t make me do things that you might regret Chloe.

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Kape has a nice voice

I already said this
I own up to it

You have no more blackmail on me

i do, though

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That’s not what I meant. I don’t care about blackmail you nerd.
I can do worse :^)

