Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it’s a refined skill

they banned gum chewing in my middle school so i would chew on whatever i could find. Bottle caps, pens, and above all, mech pencils.

Learning how to go to town on that thing has taught me how to utilise the whole pencil

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Vulgard aren’t you from Poland? Did you really wake up so early.

I dont know what this is referencing but

Surely it cant be as bad as the things kat has on me

9:00 AM?

that’s early?

im waking up in 6 and a half hours at 8:30

Hes a polish boy

she said see you later boy

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Oh so I can just ask him to share?
Also I’m mostly ready to own up to everything I said in our DMs too :^)

Well, considering I usually wake up around 5 PM, it is indeed.





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happy 4/20 everyone!

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Maybe in a few months

ive been here and done this so i can’t really judge you but

ill pretend to be shocked


Wait I thought you knew about my sleeping schedule and its lack of existence.

ima go to sleep now bye



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do you just

not care about sunlight?



isn’t that for plants

I’ve gone almost a full month without actually seeing sunlight before.
Admittedly it was in the winter so it was easier to achieve and let me tell you, its… a weird thing to experience. A lot of mental pressure for some reason.

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I’ve set foot outside of my house twice since I got back from Chicago

to be fair that’s partially because of the quarantine but it’s not like I don’t have a yard

It was a sunny 93 for me earlier lmao