Can we all just
Step outside
Hold hands
And sing kumbaya
Can we all just
Step outside
Hold hands
And sing kumbaya
That sounds really weird, right? I promise I didn’t lock myself up in a basement or whatever, I just slept at weird times.
social distancing
pg13 what the fuck sis
I’ll burn to crisp within 10 minutes. I’m allergic to sun :^)
We are the worrrrld
i love the sun
i thrive in the bright 105 degree weather of my summers
Wouldnt it be an honor to die to something so much… bigger than us little specks of dust tho?
Please translate this to real numbers
Yay 105+
I feel it
Don’t start this talk with me right now, Chloe.
40.5 celsius
Now translate 110
Cuz lolcalifornia
Jesus Christ how do you stay alive with those temperatures. I’m dying whenever it gets higher than +15 C.
Thank you.
it can get 110 where I am but like
when it gets 100+ i just don’t care
(that’s 59 Freedom Units)
its very very commonly 30+ here
sometimes during the winter (like, not even rarely)
I could have worn shorts and a t-shirt all year round if i wanted to