Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

with a time machine to go back before everything went wrong

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thank you for this idea geyde

@aliens please invade us :eyes:


thought you said sponsorship

Oh, that was reaction to destroying the planet thing.

“What’s our plan?”
“We’re going to blow up that planet, and then invade it!”


when I was little I used to fantasize about getting kidnapped by aliens :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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tinfoil: your shift key was never stolen, and you made this all up just for this pun

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you know those games where you battle enemies but by matching a certain amount of similar objects
and it always gives you 70 gifts so you basically can already clear half the game right after you start?
that but hentai

why do you want to be boxed in

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I guess you don’t know it, but my parents always denied that I’m human… :eyes: according to them I’m adopted from a planet, 32000 ly away

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“Amazing, this alien species was smart enough to make an spaceshift to go to try to invade another planet, yet is dumb enough to destroy the planet before invading”-another alien species

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I can make this so much worse.

@Alien-chan please invade me OwO.

I regret everything.

what happened next

He does shit like this all the time

He will take one of my shoes and put it in his room so i look everywhere for it

Or unplug my charger from the wall so i wonder why it isnt working

Hes a dick
But i love him

Broken Pop is objectively a bad idea
but its so bad i gotta make it

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I sadly was not kidnapped by aliens

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I technically exist
that’s a thing

Chloe I see what you did there.
Did you think I wouldn’t notice.

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