Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Stop pointing out my quickedits

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I thought of a worse example


Its not just quickedits, you did the other thing too, nerd.

okay but

why did you want to be abducted

Too far.

I don’t know, this red line just keeps getting pushed backwards what happens if I cross it



The world implodes and the aliens realise they’re too late.

we should probably draw a red line in the sand on what to do and what not to do, instead of relying on this imaginary border that two countries are arguing about

aliens are famous for probing
this post has been removed in accordance with rules that require posts be pg-13

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depends on which mod is online

Hello, Anstreim.

What if we build a wall instead of making a line on sand that can easily be moved?

Good, good. How long are you planning to keep it up?

how will we pay for it

walls are lame, they prevent people from crossing the line in the first place

How are you doing?

because I was the “weird kid” who didn’t fit in and was vaguely sad and lonely most of the time and most of my classmates were mean to me :eyes:

(this was mostly during fourth grade)
(fourth grade was not a good year)

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I don’t ask questions like these.
-1 point.

Shall I find an example in our DMs?