Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

“my classmates are mean i want to be abducted by aliens”

i can see myself thinking like this tbh

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Walls probably Is a chat filter while redline is guarded by soldiers (mods)

Idk. There’s like 20-ish active Cookie thread posters. I’m sure we can muster up enough cash money for at least a fence.

that’s a very specific line of thought I can’t see happening most of the time

You would know that I start with “so”. I also don’t use ‘shall’ like this.
-1 point.

why is it that whenever italy gets a gun, shit hits the fan

but italy always gets a gun

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can confirm.

I can compromise on the fence if we don’t add barb wire

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Anstreim, do you have time to talk about our gods, Corax and Mithras?

Join us.

Revoke Italy’s gun rights.
I’ve been saying this for a while.

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i’m great with my anstreim impression


Cult > Unseen


fuck my fourth grade teacher

I just asked where the glue was and they thought I was too incompetent to do the project

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but who would actually go outside and put it in?

Let’s be real you really just wanted to be probed by the aliens

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good question.

I love the sight of blood as it drips down my arm.

The Cult will convert you all, one day.

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I love Arete.

no that’s wazza

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Chloe I’ll murder you.

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