Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



i do this too

but will you DM it to me

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Please tell me you sleep in a shirt too :eyes:

i cannot
sleep with socks on

honestly? there are two places
one place is norway
i like the cold and the country is super chill in general

another place is sweden
for pretty much the same reasons

i would say the us because most of my friends live there and i could go around meeting them but like
i don’t like your country sorry

i’m probably gonna go there on holiday next year for a couple of weeks so maybe i manage to change my mind

do you want it to? :eyes: :smirk:

popular: the polish government isn’t doing a very good job right now (i’m not interested in politics but couldn’t think of anything better)
unpopular: smoking, drinking and taking drugs are all bad (i don’t expect anyone to agree with this, it’s something i think but probably wouldn’t force on anyone)
uncontroversial: lgbt people are in no way inferior to non-lgbt people and discrimination based on that is bullshit


yeah i always sleep barefoot wtf

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Ans what the fuck is this question


i’d 100% get on a list

Actually abort, this question sounds extremely weird.


I mean

hands off

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me and chloe might have to fight this over in private

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is this what i desired

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How is this an unpopular opinion

everyone i’ve said this to chastised me for it

I sleep in pajamas

The pajamas have a shirt part

I’m not sure if ‘shirt’ is being contrasted with ‘pajamas’ or with ‘not wearing clothes’

this is like a popular AF opinion

get a real one
my 2nd most unpopular is fucking showering with socks

it’s okay I don’t like my country either


i don’t think its unpopular

i drink because of reasons, but i don’t think it’s good or healthy

drugs are a bit of a broad term but some are good imo?

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