Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i probably had limited exposure @ans but generally speaking people don’t seem to like this opinion

i think most of us don’t


You have great opinions and you should feel great

like seriously some people have called me an illogical and high-and-mighty dumbass because i said that

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I think texas should split off from america and become it’s own country

so it’s the first thing that came to mind

I just sleep in my dress shirt that I specifically wear at home because I’m a weirdo.
Sorry that question was completely awkward.

Well they are fools because this is an objectively correct opinion. Intoxicating yourself with liquids/substances because society thinks its ‘okay’ is not, in fact, okay.

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is it bad that i mostly agree with the opinion but still do 2.5/3 of them


i’m 99% sure i’m emigrating when i finish uni


I feel like it depends on whether you mean ‘harmful to the person doing it regardless of circumstances’ or ‘has the potential for abuse’ or ‘is morally wrong’ or ‘means you should be locked in a cage for Your Own Good’

depends on how you said it.

were you like “we should ban alcohol”. “people who drink are bad”, or “alcohol is not good”

I planned on visiting Sweden this Spring and visiting a friend, but Corona makes like hard

it’s understandable, i will say that

mostly yes
i recognize the benefits
i just think they aren’t enough to justify it in most cases


“morally wrong” is probably not the best way to put it

that’s extremism
extremism bad

I could never leave america

too attracted to the politics to leave tbh.
You just can’t get american politics elsewhere which is also why I don’t want to go to a uni abroad

dress shirts tend towards being slightly … ?stiff? … not sure if this is the word I want, in a way that makes them unsuitable for sleeping in (for me, obviously you can sleep in whatever you want)

is this your most unpopular opinion

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Excuse me, what is this chat about? A competition?

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They are the main thing I wear so I guess I’m used to it.
I told you its weird.

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its basically just the off topic thread

also hi uni i love you

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Does the cookie do anything special?