Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

just have your hand permanently on f5 lmao

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to be fair I don’t understand this one


no people would still eat food. it would still be an enjoyable experience. it would just be not to the extent that it is now.

i can fly up and teach you

when you’re old enough to drink :wink:

spills on the keyboard

‘let me just drink this beverage that not only doesn’t taste good, but also produces a bunch of unpleasant psychological effects’

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recently tried beer while parents were drinking because I was offered

spent 3 hours vomiting in the bathroom after half a sip

Like I don’t drink pop because I’m hungry/thirsty

I know it’s bad for me and not fulfilling but yum fizzy sugar water

like in this world, in gas stations you might find like one end of the rows has some chips and some candy bars, as opposed to full rows

ur tolerance was just shit

you gotta have generations of alcoholism passed directly from your male lineage

I think we have a boomer guys

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oh god oh no I have been exposed


I don’t drink soda for health reasons

I like it and would drink if healthy

but know that it’s not and so don’t

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well i have generations of shit health

Can I be a yoomer?

It’s sounds like nyoom and I like that and I think it sounds cool.


The only tolerable alcohol is wine and only in food/small quantities.
Everything else can burn.


I descended from moonshiners

like… my whole dad’s side of the family were always heavy drinkers

nyoom is a good word


my parents never really drank but i believe on my mothers side there are some alcoholics

and now i have the tolerance of a… Оставь переводчика позади

anstreim don’t say anything