Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

cause baby you’re a fiiiiiiiiirewoooooooork

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Come on show em whaaaaat you’re worth!


In my games I had stealth-pre-ins. There were a few people I knew who really wanted to play in it. So I didn’t write them officially on the list, but if the list would have filled extremely fast, I’d have stealth added them. But in most cases they just came online in-time, so I didn’t have to worry about that.

That’s how we did it on public events when I gmed for roleplaying.

I joined a game which had pre-ins. Well after someone nicely swapped themselves out before the game started. :smiley:

I’ll let you figure out which game I’m mentioning and no it’s not ongoing.

If anyone wants to hear another ToS story, I recently had a very fun one.
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actually I do remember this yes
Fates had a lot of pre-ins who I had to replace later on
it was a miracle that I got a 34p filled on this site

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Okay, so I was Execution and my target was “doc”, who was a Sheriff.

N1, the Potion Master killed a Disguiser, who had disguised himself as the person the mafia (and also the SK) killed. (Which was a GA)

D2, the Tracker saw my target visit the dead Disguiser.
Naturally, I thought he was Executioner so I claimed Lookout on my target, confirming his visit.

But then my target claimed to have actually visited the dead Disguiser, so I realised the Tracker was real. An Investigator found someone to be “Doctor/Disguiser/Serial Killer/Potion Master”, so I decided to help them out.

My target gets lynched D2, and I win. But that’s not where the story ends.

N2, I was attacked by the SK, so I was expecting to be outted the next day.
The Mafia killed the Investigator and I don’t know what the Potion Master did.
The Mafia also blackmailed the GA target.

D3, the Amnesiac remembered Guardian Angel and the dead Guardian Angel protected their charge.
I whispered the blackmailed person (who I then saw was also the GA charge) "Who do you want me to claim you visted?
No response, of course, and I while later I realised he was blackmailed.
The Blackmailer was pushing on him, saying we should lynch him because of the Investigator’s will (Wow people actually read wills sometimes?). Of course, he couldn’t be lynched so it was in vain.

Then, someone (can’t remember who) started pushing on the Blackmailer for pushing on the blackmailed target, but we didn’t get enough votes in time.

Anyway, the day ended with no lynch, the SK killed the Blackmailer (who blackmailed him again). Potion Master killed the 2nd Tracker and the Godfather attacked the SK.

At that point, it was just me, the 2nd Disguiser, the Godfather, The Tracker, the Serial Killer, the Potion Master, the new Guardian Angel and 2 other people left.

I outed my will, saying the GA target and the 2nd (dead) Tracker visited the confirmed Tracker, and said that they were probably Doctor since he was still alive.

I pushed on someone random (the godfather) for being quiet, he pushed on someone else (the Potion Master) for also being quiet. Nobody votes, day ends without a lynch.

Trapper “saves” me from the Godfather, SK kills the 2nd Disguiser, who disguised as the Medium. PM kills the new GA.

6 people left. Mafioso, Medium, PM, SK, Trapper, me.

Anyway, I push on someone quiet (Mafioso this time) again, He claims Retributionist, he gets lynched.

SK kills Mafioso, PM kills Trapper.

I vote up PM together with SK.

Me, the SK and the Ga win.

Unfortunately the Amnesiac did not win, and I don’t know who his target was.
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Does anyone here happen to have Direwolf?

imagine getting bit by your cat straight away when you go to pet them

he digs his claws into my hand so i can’t escape first

Maybe don’t pet it?

i just avoid anywhere on the front half of his body
then he can’t get me

imagine playing coven… ever?

I can easily imagine that, since I play it on a regular basis.

very well
i will consult the vampire council

here’s a fun story

be mayor
bitten by vampire

Don’t ever get lynched even though some guy keeps screaming they can whisper to you and you only have 1 vote.

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i just never voted
i wonder if doctors regained the ability to heal me though
massive red flags

don’t you mean wolflord

Was the name changed?