Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it was for like, copyright issues iirc?

but yes, they changed it on april fools if my memory recalls

Wait. That might’ve been you?

What was your name that game?

no clue

I was in a game with a Mayor called Proosh who was bitten after being revealed. Vampires won that game. They also converted the Survivor.

At some point the Godfather decided to attack the Doctor after the Disguiser had just (publically, might I add) confirmed them as Doctor.

i do not use the name Proosh

Not you then. Would’ve been cool though.

but i have had a night 2 pestilence

they’re starting to reopen texas

Pestilence liked that.

shooting the coronavirus it is
loads revolver

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Who gave Italy a gun again.

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i’m texan
my closet has a rack that contains nothing but guns


this may or may not be true but it’s not like you can check anyways :eyes:

Marshal is in your closet, he can probably check if its true as soon as he gets out.

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marshal isn’t in my closet
he’s locked in his own closet
wait i mean what marshal isn’t in a closet

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Italy just slipped that he lied, get him

/vote Italy

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hi arete

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do we need to discuss why you’re awake at 6:30

Italy is right, why aren’t you asleep.
Go to bed.