Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

as his sleep paralysis demon currently watching him from the darkness, i can confirm the room is indeed not cold


Those are the only types of dreams I get. Either a nightmare or a blissful void.

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Hmmm… I know coldness increases chance of nightmares. Guess it’s not that.

That explains why my sleep paralysis demon is so handsome in his plague doctor suit :^)

generally i just don’t dream
i wake up hours later and just lay in bed for several hours

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i say hours but it feels like moments so not having dreams is objectively superior

Cause of nightmares, as cataloged by the DSM-5:

  • Anxiety and stress are major causes of nightmares
  • Trauma or upsetting events such as death of a loved one can bring on nightmares
  • Other causes include a fluctuating sleep schedule, sleep deprivation, jet lag, illness and fever
  • Side effects of a medication or drug
  • Medication or drug withdrawal, such as sleeping pills
  • Alcohol consumption or withdrawal
  • Difficulty breathing during sleep, such as sleep apnea
  • Sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy or sleep terror disorder
  • Eating before bedtime

found the reasons.


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not having dreams is so much better because it feels like you completely skip the night

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I mostly don’t remember my dreams

this has been true for more-or-less as long as I can remember

you aren’t supposed to fall in love with the sleep paralysis demons

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i’ll dream 5-10 times in a year
but generally i just wake up after what feels like moments

Italy we’ve gone too far.
Go back, go back.

On a serious note, how comes you even own a plague doctor outfit. Where did you get it and how much did it cost.


I don’t know, just suddenly having warped several hours into the future is pretty weird for me.


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bought it online
the eagle cane wasn’t part of the outfit

Goddamnit, the cane is the best part of it.
Time to scour the internet.

it’s just a prop so the stopper came off
which could be good or bad because it messes up floors but it makes an extremely menacing clanking noise

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