/Vote Italy
I was going to to bed at around three
then I got distracted by a puzzle-type thing
then I didn’t want to go to sleep until I’d finished it
and then it was 6 AM
i can relate to this
why can i relate to this
it is almost definitely bad that i can relate to this
and I’m technically in bed, I’m just staring at my phone rather than trying to fall asleep
What kind of puzzle-type thing.
Put that phone down.
this was basically me when i first got FTL
i was playing
then it was 6 AM
i had no clue how the fuck i was playing for 4 hours straight
Why did you start playing at 2 AM?
it’s a type of puzzle-type thing called a nonogram
The first time I got a certain Star Wars game I binged it for 36 hours without sleep.
It was… an experience.
Oh, I love those.
did you at least sleep well, Ans
why wouldn’t i start playing at 2 AM
arete it’s a problem if i go to sleep at a more reasonable time than you do
i’m pretty sure kat’s gone to sleep
I got full 10 hours of sleep which is a miracle and a first, but something tells me that it won’t repeat any soon.
I even got a vivid nightmare like I usually do when I sleep properly, so I could say yes.
i can get through a day on 3 hours
why would somebody need a full 10
Is it cold in your room?
…I feel like this would normally be an example of not sleeping well…
I’ve spent a full month sleeping 5 hours on average, little Italian man.
If I could I’d just pass out forever.