Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

If you don’t go to sleep I’ll start shipping you and Anstreim again so Anstreim will get mad.

Psychological warfare.

you shouldn’t feel obligated to remove yourself from the conversation just because I’m bad at being a person!


I definitely didn’t just deliberately write a post that could be taken out of context for it to not be taken out of context, did I?


Sleep is the one thing we all do.

It didn’t even sound particularly bad. If you wanted for something to be taken out of context, you would’ve done better.

Regardless, for the sake of all of us it is time for me to vacate the thread.

Same with breathing

You are now manually breathing

Katstermind, converting Arete into Alcoholic N2.


Pretty much yet we don’t think about unless for example you’re winded after running.

Profile picture of Katstermind.Portraitcard_unseen_mastermind

King crimson

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Wait… nightmares are not considered something normal? :thinking:


AAAAA why does everybody here consider nightmares normal?!?

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No for real…
most of the times I either have nightmares, or I forgot that I had nightmares :joy:
You learn to live with them if you had them your whole life already

In how many nights do you not wake up screaming or shivering on your whole body?

That one is good lul
Just don’t sleep 4head



Seriously no sleep? What’s next no breathing?

Anyway who wants to spectate in games?

Dreams are like a different world
A world where you are free to do whatever you want, may it be illegal or amoral, or too dangerous to do it in real life
You can let out your frustration
You can change this world just by willpower
But also you are completely on the mercy of your dreams, it can do whatever it wants to you, and you have to return each night, there’s no escape

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