Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

When you load the game for the first time, it asks you for an email for news n shit

You likely put it in wrong

beta wasn’t this magical time of neutsout
i can tell you this because i played this game every day back then

Exact coordinates

was never personally identifiable to me and that email address no longer exists and hasn’t existed for at least 2 1/2 years

eevee and all the mods here already have these, and where i live is no secret at all, so i don’t really fear this

Gamer move


Now people totally can’t figure out my name from it at all.

killing Mercs N1 as scum so you don’t get occ’d and sometimes jailexeing Alchs N3 isn’t ‘super neuts out’ it’s normal amounts of neuts out

neutsin was deliberately engineered by guides+ soon after release
i know this because i was guides+ sooon after release
but back then it made actual sense for the place the game was in

You have clearly a safety problem
Please inform yourself about this stuff

Mods might have your mac addy but

Giving it out to the public is scary shit

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I think it’s pointless to kill 3ps, especially confirmed ones.

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but you can’t just get rid of cultural things like that- later on, when neuts became more balanced, neuts in was basically responsible for the disaster that was Pretender openclaims

fair. i took it off dropbox
this forum is the only real group of friends i’ve had for the past year and a half
im probably a bit too trusting of it

the fact that wolves often choose to kill Merc claims N1 not because of being neuts out, but simply because Merc is so mechanically BD-sided, is evidence that Merc is too BD sided


they are giving up the ability to kill BD in order to kill a 3p

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Its literally public

you’re right
im sorry

it depends on what i am

as a prince i rarely waste my time on neut claims unless i have reason to doubt their legitimacy
as a knight/hunter i might be more willing to try to kill a neutral, because it’s commonly +EV

it also depends on the neut itself, a confirmed merc i usually keep around cause as arete is saying, merc is hella BD sided

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Can relate.

I’ve probably told people here more then I should about myself?

Eh, who cares anyway.

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Not being able to claim neut even on later days, because you will 100% be killed or exed, is def neuts out

I think it partly depends on the neut

‘D1 Inq here, my heretics are a Noble, an Observer, and the Mystic’

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seeing as how im petrified of even thinking of where my life would be now if i had never had this price, that sort of cost has been fine to me