Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I can’t imagine doing that :upside_down_face:

(obvious /s is obvious)

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Frankly my approach towards Alchs/Mercs in ToL as a Prince goes like this.

Did they already claim? Then they’re fine. Did they just claim in jail? Then they get the exe.

Rule of thumb is that late neut claims generally are far more likely of being Unseen/Cult/NK than not.

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inq spawning is +EV for BD
inq has little benefit to keep around beyond that

why are heretics aware of their heresy still

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Yeah, Inqs are def out.

It’s probably the only place where I can stop pretending to be normal.

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oh, for sure

the only exception is if i have a reason to believe with 100% certainty that they are real, and i simultaneously am low on executes or NEED a kingmaker neut to side me to win

but if you are a neutral claim in my jail cell you are usually not leaving alive :wink:


I’ll keep midgame/lategame neut claims alive in ToL if I have reason to believe they’re real

if there are only two neut claims (including both living neut claimers and dead neuts) both are usually legitimate

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this is definitely a thing that exists :upside_down_face:

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if im assassin / cl / NK i always attack D1 alch claims N1
D1 alch claims to me are always either phys or alchs who plan to not stoneskin early and bomb scum late

One time I was a Prince, and jailed someone who claimed 4th neut.

I correctly read one of the other neuts as fake and him as real, so I didn’t execute.

Then they were yelling at me in stream for my bad play.

Gamer move


update: i have delved into the horrifying nightmare of reddit to see if drawing green lines on people’s avatars is a meme
it is not
emilia’s intentions remain unclear


Eh, I kind of just kill them because I’m paranoid there is a silent Fool/SS around.

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also neuts being able to instantly remove themself from the PoE for converts in the lategame is A Thing

By they, I mean the 4th neut claim btw.

Its a meme

4th neut claim usually comes from neuts tbf

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did i do the meme correctly
